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Host Your Own Screening
Keen to host your own screening of Islam & The Future of Tolerance? No problem. We’ve partnered with cinema-on-demand platform which will bring the film to your local cinema or venue anywhere in the world.
This is a powerful new way to get your community to see the film and discuss the issues raised in it. You can organise a Q&A after the film and get your audience to participate. This is how we can all contribute to raising discussion about these important issues and begin to make a real change in our communities.
You can even use your Fan-Force screening to fundraise to help an important charity or initiative.
Each of these need to reach a certain number of ticket bookings by the deadline to become confirmed – this is called the Tipping Point. So you will see some are confirmed and some are not. When a screening reaches the Tipping Point everyone receives an email telling them the screening is confirmed. If this doesn’t happen by the deadline everyone is automatically refunded – so there is no risk. If everyone buys a ticket and tell their friends to do the same, more screenings will happen.